Unlike other companies many of our items are completely free postage.
The remainder are priced individually according to weight and fragility.
BUT, the maximum postage you will be charged is £9.00
For example, if you order items with postage of £3.00 and £7.50 your postage total will be reduced from £10.50 to £9.00. Our website cannot track individual postage charges so this is done when your order is downloaded and you will be sent an email confirming your reduced total. If you prefer to be advised immediately of your total please call 01278 433 523.Orders are sent out within 10 - 14 working days, unless the item is out of stock and then please allow 28 days for delivery. IF WE CANNOT DELIVER YOUR ORDER FOR CHRISTMAS WE WILL IMMEDIATELY EMAIL YOU.
Your card will only be debited the day that the goods are
sent to you - never before. If you prefer to order
by telephone just call 01278 433 523. If you have any queries at all please
email us at or telephone the above number.
We welcome your orders. Each order is individually weighed and costed according
to your delivery country. UK postage is then deducted from your order and overseas
postage added. We email you to advise you the additional costs and never proceed
with the order until you have confirmed to us that the additional postage costs
are acceptable. Your card will not be debited until the day that it leaves us
on its way to you.
Orders are sent out within 10 - 14 working days, unless the item is out of stock
and then please allow 28 days. Once it has left us please allow 2 - 3 weeks
for your order to reach you.